Day 20 Diyarbakir to Goreme in Capadocia - Reisverslag uit Göreme, Turkije van Rudy Welling - Day 20 Diyarbakir to Goreme in Capadocia - Reisverslag uit Göreme, Turkije van Rudy Welling -

Day 20 Diyarbakir to Goreme in Capadocia

Door: Rudy

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Rudy

26 Juli 2007 | Turkije, Göreme

Thursday 26 July (Day 20) Miroglu Lale Sataya Hotel, Goreme, Turkey, 672/6969 km
The hotel we stayed in last night was good value for money. The 2 rooms cost us Euro 93 and they had very good showers, free internet and a very good buffet breakfast. We also managed to get the car in and out of the tight sub-surface garage without problems. Today was a long day driving from Diyarbikir to Goreme in Cappadocia. The drive was scenic. The first bit was through the mountains climbing from a 600 m plain of wheat field to a 1400 m plain of wheat fields. The road was sometimes 4 lanes but mostly 2. Jamaliah drove the last stretch because Rudies eyes were dropping. She is a quick girl when nobody holds her back. That is what the police though as well so she was pulled over for speeding. Near Urgup we found a panoramic view site and had a rest and wander through the eroded rock in which a church and other houses were carved. It was close to sunset so the colors were nice. We will see much more of them tomorrow. Near Goreme we found a nice hotel on the slope overlooking the city. We are staying all together in huge room which is partly cut out of the rock. The main attraction for the boys is the Jacuzzi. Diner and drinks were also in the hotel because we did not want to venture too far out in search of other restaurants.

  • 26 Juli 2007 - 21:21


    Goed dat de pc nog aan stond, want ik hoorde een piep en ja hoor, je had weer een nieuw reisverslag! Ja, we checken elke dag. Ik hoorde vanochtend op de radio dat er bij Aleppo een munitieopslagplaats is ontploft, waarschijnlijk als gevolg van de hitte! Gelukkig dat jullie daar al weg waren. Jullie zitten al halverwege turkije; het schiet al op! Ik weet niet of we jullie zien als je aankomt, want wij gaan 5 of 6 augustus op vakantie! (zonder dagelijkse reisverslagen op deze site) Doe het rustig aan en geniet van de reis!

  • 27 Juli 2007 - 15:57

    Yolanda And Bart:

    What a fantastic trip! Reading about this trip makes us imagine we are also with you guys.
    The pictures from Petra and Palmyra are impressive. Going from place to place in your own tempo seems to us great, also making from the unexpected an adventure. We are happy for you and hope you continue having fun.

  • 29 Juli 2007 - 20:00

    Harry & Annette:

    Jullie hebben je goed vermaakt zien we. Gelukkig maar. Wij zijn net weer terug van vakantie in Noorwegen en kijken waar jullie nu zijn. Jordanie vonden we ook erg mooi. Veel plezier bij het vervolg van de trip terug naar Holland.

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We are a family of 4. Rudy Welling was a Principal Production Technologist with Shell/NAM's offshore team. He first went on sabbatical from April 2014 to April 2016. In that period he made a return trip to Vladivostok with his wife, Jamaliah, in camper Passepartout. This was followed by trips to New Zealand and Spain. In April 2016 Rudy re-joined NAM/Shell again in Assen for a year and then retired in May 2017 after 37 years with Shell. He and his family have spent some 21 years in various Shell locations around the world (NL, UK, Brunei, NL, USA, Nigeria, Oman, NL). Jamaliah Jaja is the Manager of the house and comes from Brunei. Anton (1993) studies Business IT in Groningen Bernard (1994) studies Mechatronics also in Groningen Both boys still live at home, but will have to run the household on their own when we start our trip. Our previous trip by car (Volkswagen Passat Station) was from Oman to Holland in 2007. Rudi's great plan is to travel with his wife in a camper around the world. The trips will be in steps. The first is from Amsterdam to Vladivostok. De second from Tierra Del Fuego in Argentina over the PANAM highway to Prudo Bay in Alaska. Australia and New Zealand will be separate side trips and Africa will either be done out and back from Amsterdam or just from the Cap to Amsterdam. Now as K/O of Rudi's retirement we are making this second step on a journey around the world. We hope you will enjoy our story Rudy & Jamaliah

Actief sinds 20 Dec. 2006
Verslag gelezen: 246
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22 Februari 2015 - 26 April 2015

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21 April 2014 - 30 Augustus 2014

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07 Juli 2007 - 15 Augustus 2007

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